Election Reports Request







To request election report updates, use the 'next request' links (see Receiving Election Updates). The list of reports returned when you submit a new search request for reports using optional filtering parameters always includes links to the latest available versions of the reports.

  • In v3, the latest version of each report is always available at the same URL. For more information, see Election Report Upgrades.

  • In v2, there is a different direct link to each new version of a report. If you are using v2, do not follow stored direct links to reports because these reports may already be outdated. To monitor for new versions of the reports in v2, always submit a new search request using the 'next request' link.

  • All election reports that were previously available in v2 are now also available in v3. New reports and updates to existing reports will be available in v3 only.

  • The Election Reports implementation in v2 has not changed, but it has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. If you are using Election Reports in v2, we strongly urge you to make changes to your client application and switch to v3.




Required Request Headers





Specifies the API key to authorize the request. The x-apikey header is also currently supported.



Compresses the response to the gzip format.


Optional Request Header





The MIME type of the returned data format: XML or JSON. The default is application/xml. The format parameter value takes precedence over the Accept header value when both are specified.


Request URI



Request URI






The request URI must be URL-encoded.




Required Parameter






The API version: v2 or v3.


Optional Parameters






Indicates whether to return live or test election reports. Possible values are t (test reports) or l (live reports; this is the default).



To receive test reports, make sure to add the optional resultsType=t parameter to the request URL.






Indicates whether to return live or test election reports. Possible values are true (test reports) and false (live reports; this is the default).



This parameter is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. To request test reports, use the resultsType=t parameter instead.






Date of the election in the YYYY-MM-DD format.



This parameter does not apply to reports generated prior to 2016‑11‑08 (the 2016 Delegate reports are available for historical purposes, but do not have a published date or geo field).

Exception: A special separate set of 2012‑11‑06 election reports was generated.






The geo code, such as a two-character state postal code or "US" for national reports ("US" is the only valid value for delegate, presidential and trends reports). Multiple values must be separated by commas.



The geo code, such as a two-character state postal code or "US" for national reports ("US" is the only valid value for delegate, presidential and trends reports). Multiple values must be separated by commas.



This parameter is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. To filter reports by geo code, use the statePostal parameter instead.






The response format (xml or json). The format parameter value takes precedence over the Accept header value when both are specified. If no format is specified as the format parameter value or in the Accept header, XML is returned.



The report type. Multiple values must be separated by commas. Examples of possible values are:

For more information, see the subtype parameter below.



You can find other possible report type values in the Election Reports response:

  • In v3, in the Type value (XML) or the "type" value (JSON).

  • In v2, in the category/@term value (XML) or the categories.term value (JSON) when the scheme value is "https://api.ap.org/cv/type/".






The report subtype. Multiple values must be separated by commas.



In v2, this parameter must be used in conjunction with the type parameter.





Delegate Tracking Reports

Examples of possible values for the delegate tracking reports are as follows (in v2, they must be used in conjunction with the type=delegates parameter):

  • delsum. The current summary delegate total for each candidate across the country as well as the change in the past 24 hours, past week and past month.

  • delstate. The current delegate total for each candidate in each state and at the national level as well as the change in the past 24 hours.

  • delsuper. The current delegate and unpledged delegate totals for each candidate in each state and at the national level (note that anonymous unpledged delegates are not counted at the state level).



If multiple delegate reports of the same subtype are returned, use the entry with the most current election date in v3 (and additionally, the latest updated datetime in v2), which shows the most current delegate data available.





Delegate Breakout Report

A possible value example is as follows (in v2, must be used in conjunction with the type=delbreakout parameter):

  • delbreakout2024. The Democratic and Republican delegate totals by state and type.


Presidential Vote and Electoral Count Reports

Examples of possible values for the presidential reports are as follows (in v2, they must be used in conjunction with the type=pres parameter):

  • statebystate_pres. Presidential state-by-state popular vote results and electoral count for all candidates (major and minor candidates).

  • pres_summary. Presidential U.S. national rolled-up popular vote results and electoral count for the top major candidates and minor candidates, who are grouped under "Others."

  • pres_summary_all. Presidential U.S. national rolled-up popular vote results and electoral count for all candidates (major and minor candidates).


National Party Balance of Power/Trends Reports

Examples of possible values for trends reports are as follows (in v2, they must be used in conjunction with the type=trend parameter):

  • g. Governors trends report.

  • s. U.S. Senate trends report.

  • h. U.S. House trends report.


Calendar, Deadline and Schedule Reports

Examples of possible values are as follows (in v2, they must be used in conjunction with the type=calendar parameter):

  • elections2024. 2024 Election Calendar.

  • deadlinesmilestones. Deadlines and Milestones report.

  • customertesting2023. 2023 Customer Testing Schedule.



  • Election Calendar reports are not available for years prior to 2020.

  • Customer Testing Schedule reports are not available for years prior to 2021.





Election Candidate Reports

The value must be in the officeYYYY format; for example, ushouse2020, ussenate2020, governor2020, uspresident2020.  In v2, these subtype parameter values must be used in conjunction with the type=candidates parameter.




Election Candidate reports are not available for years prior to 2020.





Advance Voting Rules Report

A possible value example is as follows (in v2, must be used in conjunction with the type=advvotes parameter):

  • advvotingrules2022GE. State-by-state rules and information about advance voting, including voter requirements for mail-in ballots, changes due to COVID-19 and details regarding in-person advance voting.


Political Party Codes

A possible value is as follows (in v2, must be used in conjunction with the type=parties parameter):

  • partycodes. The codes and names for political parties active from 2020 to present.


Election Information Reports

Examples of possible values are as follows (in v2, they must be used in conjunction with the type=elninfo parameter):

  • runoffmajority. Primary Runoff and Majority Vote Rules Report.

  • regrules. Voter Registration Requirements Report.

  • writeinrules. Write-In Rules Report.

  • recountrules. Recount Rules Report.

For more information, see Election Report Data.




You can find other possible report subtype values in the Election Reports response:

  • In v3, in the SubType value (XML) or the "subtype" value (JSON).

  • In v2, in the category/@term value (XML) or the categories.term value (JSON) when the scheme value is "https://api.ap.org/cv/subtype/".






Returns a digital signature in the HTTP response header. Possible values are sha256, eddsa and none (the default). For more information, see Requesting Digital Signatures.


Request URI Examples

Sample URI

Returned Results


All the latest reports currently available to you.


All the latest available reports from the 06-28-2022 election date.


All the latest delegate reports available to you.


All the latest cumulative delegate reports ("DelSum") from the 02-03-2020 election date.


All the latest available U.S. Senate and U.S. House Trend reports from the 11-03-2020 election date (v3).


All the latest available U.S. Senate and U.S. House Trend reports from the 11-03-2020 election date (v2).


All the latest available Estimated Vote Percentage (EEVP) reports from the 06-28-2022 election date.






If you still require additional assistance, please contact AP Customer Support.

For current system status or system maintenance information, please visit the AP Customer Zone website.









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