Requesting Digital Signatures
To validate the authenticity of the returned data, you can use the optional includesignature parameter in the Elections, Election Reports or AP VoteCast request to receive a digital signature in the HTTP response headers. Elections API supports these validation methods:
SHA-256 can be validated using online tools; for example, the HMAC SHA-256 online tool.
EdDSA requires a custom coding solution. The crypto standard is Ed25519.
Optional Request Parameter and Response Header
When you specify includesignature=sha256 in the request, the API returns an HTTP response header with a Base64 string digital hash; for example:
If includesignature=eddsa is specified in the request, the Base64 string digital hash in the HTTP response header might look something like this:
Public Keys
To validate the SHA-256 signature, use this AP public key: 13c816496f281e01198ca3afe052326be11e8d34dd8200fcd537f45a2e414a08
To validate the EdDSA signature, use this AP public key: BQP15zpzZ7zATz20V+C/NZhWY9GSlrbIGMC2inm7gK8=