Estimated Expected Vote Percentage (EEVP) ReportDescriptionDuring the primaries and general election, this optional report is provided for the following statewide races:
The EEVP value is a calculation of incoming total statewide votes that are being tabulated for the race, divided by an AP internally assigned “estimated expected total votes” parameter for the specific race. The “estimated expected total votes” is determined by AP’s proprietary research, knowledge, and expertise. The EEVP will vary over the course of the election night tabulation, based on the incoming total votes at any given time for the race, and will represent the percentage of the total votes that AP estimates will eventually be certified. The maximum value for EEVP during tabulation is 99%, which indicates AP estimates that almost all ballots cast have been counted. The EEVP value will not be set to 100% until election officials complete the certification process and declare the election results as final and official.
ExampleIn this example, 1003 is the race number for the 8/15 AL U.S. Senate-Dem race and 1004 is the race number for the 8/15 AL U.S. Senate-GOP race. |