Not sure how to get started?Find out everything you need - from the typical workflow to the landing page with links to Election Calendars, available election data and Query Explorer. |
Looking for election race information?Request information about all races that you are interested in, including vote updates and race calls. |
Need election reports?Get a variety of reports; for example, delegate reports for presidential primaries, presidential vote and electoral count reports or national party balance of power/trend reports. |
Interested in advance turnout?For presidential and midterm general elections, request state-by-state data on advance voting, including how many absentee ballots have been requested, sent and returned, demographic information, in-person voting data and historical data comparisons. |
Main Topics |
Have a Question?If you still require additional assistance, please contact AP Customer Support. For current system status or system maintenance information for the AP Elections API platform, please visit the AP Customer Zone website. |