Election Reports
Returns election reports. Examples include delegate reports for presidential primaries, presidential vote and electoral count reports for the general election in a presidential year, national party balance of power/trends for Governors, U.S. Senate and U.S. House for the general election in presidential and midterm years, and the estimated vote percentage report for the primaries and general election.
Any report available in XML is also available in JSON, with the XML version of the report returned by default when you follow the direct link to the report from the report list. For brevity, report examples in the online documentation are provided in XML. JSON property names match the names of the XML elements.
For information about the data delivered in the election reports, see Election Report Data in the Reference Guide.
To request election report updates, use the 'next request' links (see Receiving Election Updates). The list of reports returned when you submit a new search request for reports using optional filtering parameters always includes links to the latest available versions of the reports.
In v3, the latest version of each report is always available at the same URL. For more information, see Election Report Upgrades.
In v2, there is a different direct link to each new version of a report. If you are using v2, do not follow stored direct links to reports because these reports may already be outdated. To monitor for new versions of the reports in v2, always submit a new search request using the 'next request' link.
All election reports that were previously available in v2 are now also available in v3. New reports and updates to existing reports will be available in v3 only.
The Election Reports implementation in v2 has not changed, but it has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. If you are using Election Reports in v2, we strongly urge you to make changes to your client application and switch to v3.