
Returns election race information for the specified filtering criteria (for example, state postal code or office ID), including updates to vote/delegate/electoral count, race call and candidate information since the last request and the link to use in the next request. Races that have been called are the races where a winner has been declared and the races that are advancing to a runoff.


 Important: Requesting Election Race Information Updates


Throughout the election, your application polls the API at regular intervals to retrieve vote/delegate/electoral count updates for each candidate, candidate information updates and race calls for the races of interest; for example, all races in your state or Top-of-the-Ticket races in all states.

The following workflow is strongly recommended for requesting updates:

  1. Make an initial request for the election race information. Initially, you make a request for all of the races you are interested in. The response includes reference information about the races and candidates, vote/delegate/electoral counts, race calls and the link to use in the next request.

  2. Use the returned link to make the next request (for more information, see Best Practices). The response includes the races for which the vote count, race call and/or candidate information has been updated since your previous request and the link to use in the next request. You can now repeat this step throughout the election.






Request URI, Parameters, Headers and Examples


Response Data Elements and Headers


Response Examples


Requesting Updates - No Changes from the Previous Request


Vote Types







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