State-by-State Delegate Report ("DelState")
During a presidential year, the state-by-state delegate report shows the current breakdown of presidential preferences of delegates to the Democratic and Republican national conventions for each state, territory (American Samoa (AS), Guam (GU), Northern Marianas (MP), Puerto Rico (PR) and Virgin Island (VI)), and group, for Democrats Abroad (DA), sending a voting delegation to the Democratic and Republican National Conventions.
This report includes the current delegate total for each candidate within each delegation and the change in the past 24 hours for each state. For each state and U.S. territory, this report provides the number of delegates won by a candidate at any given point as well as the sum of changes in the number of pledged delegates each candidate has won and any unpledged delegate endorsements gained or lost since midnight the day before the last election.
Delegate numbers are the total number of pledged and unpledged (super) delegates for each candidate. The numbers are based on party and state rules, delegate interviews, public statements and analysis of election results by the Associated Press.
Example and Data Elements
This XML example shows a partial state-by-state delegate report.
This report is also available in JSON, with the XML version of the report returned by default when you follow the direct link to the report from the report list (for more information, see Election Reports). For brevity, report examples in the online documentation are provided in XML. JSON property names match the names of the XML elements.
This table describes the XML elements and attributes used in the state-by-state delegate report.
XML Element
The tag for this report.
The date and time when the report was generated.
Indicates whether the report contains test data (Test=1) or live data (Test=0).
Contains information about the party's delegate allocation.
Total delegates (pledged and unpledged) available for the party.
Total delegates needed to nominate a candidate for the party.
Party ID.
Contains information about the state or territory.
State or territory postal code.
Contains information about the delegate allocation for each candidate.
Candidate's national ID.
Candidate's name.
The date when the candidate drops out of the race or suspends their campaign.
Value of "X" is assigned to one Democratic candidate and one GOP candidate when enough delegates have been allocated to them according to party rules based on presidential nominating events.
Value of "X" is assigned to one Democratic candidate after being elected during the Democratic National Convention and one GOP candidate after being elected during the Republican National Convention. This may or may not be the same as the presumptiveNominee.
Total pledged and unpledged delegates assigned to this candidate.
Sum of changes in the number of pledged delegates each candidate has won and any unpledged delegate endorsements gained or lost since midnight the day before the last election.