The Latest - Developing Stories
The Latest is AP's special editorial representation of developing news stories. It is used in addition to the more traditionally written story files that the AP runs on the same events. The Latest uses time-stamped running updates compiled into one story file and is particularly well suited for online, mobile and broadcast use.
To identify these types of stories and associate them with the more traditionally written stories on the same events, use the following metadata fields and values.
All available metadata fields are included in the downloaded JSON metadata files.
event. The item ID of the originating story appears as an AP Event to help you find the more traditionally written version of the same story:
{"event": [
{"creator": "Editorial",
"code": "eb19f99cfbaa4fb280c4b3f7a37f8c51",
"name": "Hawaii Volcano"}]}
profile. The profile (also known as 'item content type') value is "Running":
{"profile": "Running"}
title, slugline, keywords. The title, slug and keywords are the title, slug and keywords of the originating story followed by a hyphen and "The Latest":
{"title": "Hawaii Volcano-The Latest",
"slugline": ["BC-US--Hawaii Volcano-The Latest"],
"keywords": ["Hawaii Volcano-The Latest"]}
The headline starts with "The Latest:":
{"headline": "The Latest: 2 rural Hawaii homes burned by lava"}